Group Counseling
Recognizing that being in the presence of others is vital to learning and growth, Sequence offers both traditional therapy groups and support groups. The distinguishing factor is the degree of focus on mental health issues, the background of the facilitator, and the coverage of fees by a health insurance provider. Sequence offers group therapy as an addition to individual therapy, or in some cases, as a stand-alone service. Group therapy is insurance reimbursable and offers a more complex and relational method of therapeutic support, enhancing the growth and development of participants in important ways that lead to long-lasting positive effects. Sequence also at times offers "support groups" which may be led by a member of our professional life coaching team and focus on issues such as stress management, wellness, career or other specific areas of concern.
Group Therapy fees are generally $80.00 per session, and are insurance reimbursable.
Self Discovery Through Watercolor: For Teens
8 week in person group. Need a creative outlet after school and enjoy art? Come paint with us! It's amazing what we can learn about ourselves through art. Thought and feeling, social challenges, managing academic stress and thinking about the future all can be shared while creating art. Individual and group projects will be explored.
This therapy group is co-ed for teens aged 14-18. Contact the facilitator to register.
Facilitator: Sumi Holman, LCSW-C
Day & Time: Mondays, 4 - 5:30pm for 8 weeks
Location: Tower Oaks Professional Park, Rockville
Fee: $80 per session - materials included
Phone: 240-200-5401 ext. 705
Email: sholman@sequenceservices.com
Staff Profile: https://www.sequenceservices.com/staff/sumi-holman/
Shoulder to Shoulder: Support in Grieving
Adult Grief and Loss Group
Healing Space : A Women's Trauma Recovery Group
This twelve-week, virtual group serves as a place to give and receive support while processing and healing from traumatic events and experiences. If you have suffered in childhood or as an adult; from abuse, violence, injury or other traumatic experiences, you are welcome. This group offers education about the ways in which trauma affects our mind, body and soul, explores the stages of healing and offers work on healing through art, movement, mindfulness, readings, journaling, and the shared experience.
Participants are pre-screened and may be referred to individual therapy prior to starting the group therapy. Participants may attend subsequent groups as desired. Each individual participant determines the level of detail regarding their personal trauma they wish to share, but everyone will gain coping skills, healing and support. This group is open to Maryland and Virginia residents. Please contact the facilitator to schedule your 45-minute, $75 intake screening.
Seasons of Change: A Separation and Divorce Therapy Group for Women
This virtual, therapist-led group creates a safe and accepting environment for women where members can offer support and guidance to one another at whatever point along this journey they maybe.
Individual situations will certainly differ, but the need for community and a safe place to express emotions and develop coping skills is universal to anyone experiencing the life transition that comes with the end of the relationship. Grief and loss, anger and betrayal, guilt and worry, all of these emotions can become overwhelming, and this group provides the space to understand the emotional process of loss and change, process your emotions and find your way to a place of security, confidence, and hope for the future.
This 8-week group focuses on psycho-education, empathy, and compassion to support women who are going through the divorce process or are on the other side of divorce. The stages of grief and loss as applied to divorce and separation, transitions, family relationships, parenting/co-parenting struggles, and lifestyle changes, mindfulness, somatic healing, and acceptance are a few of the topics we will address. The group will be virtual for MD, VA, and FL residents. Please contact the facilitator to schedule your free intake screening.
Day and Time: Wednesday 5:30-6:30pm
Location: Virtual
Phone: 240-200-5401 Ext. 704
Email: Klanders@sequenceservices.com
ART Expressive Therapy
By using the creative process of making art, participants improve their physical, mental and emotional well being. Expressing oneself artistically can help to identify, contemplate and resolve existing symptoms and challenges as well as more effectively manage behaviors and feelings, reduce stress, improve self esteem and increase self awareness. There are prompts given each week that are relevant to the participants current struggles.
Participants are encouraged to seek concurrent individual therapy. The group is intended for adults aged 18 - 27 years old.