Services for couples are a cornerstone of the counseling program at SEQUENCE. The relationship with our partner can be the most significant factor in predicting the course of our future life satisfaction.
Our couples’ services address the different stages of this journey. We support relationships, building this bond with compassion and fortifying it when challenges are experienced.
Our therapists have selected The Gottman Method of couples therapy as their practice foundation. This is an extensively researched, evidence based set of techniques to enhance interpersonal relationships for lasting satisfaction and connection. The capacity for couples to prevent and alleviate issues between reflects the best in neuroscience based therapy protocols. The Gottman Method and other adjunctive techniques ( ex. Emotionally Focused Therapy, Relational Life Therapy) are utilizing attachment based development data, emotional intelligence skill building, physiological trauma and stress response behaviors all researched with thousands of real couples, represent a science of relationships growing at a remarkable pace, offering the opportunity for relationship health that simply did not exist even a few decades ago. This isn't your parents couples therapy.
Click on the QR code to the right to learn more about the Gottman Method.
Sequence Couples Therapists
At Sequence our couples therapists are extensively trained in the Gottman Method and are experienced senior therapists, each with at least two decades in the field. As leaders within the Sequence community, they are prepared to navigate complex issues and interpersonal conflict towards opportunities for strength and healing. All therapists working at Sequence are trained in the frameworks of the Gottman Method, helping individuals strengthen relationships as a part of their therapy. Providers are therapists with specialized training in couples therapy including working with new parents, addressing issues of substance use, trauma or infidelity, supporting the challenges faced by LGBTQ couples, couples of differing ethic or racial backgrounds, or for couples with a neurodiverse partner. Any factor which can add complexity and nuance to the treatment process is important to the couples therapy work. Couples therapists may also use techniques from other evidence-based models, such as Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and Relational Life Therapy (RLT).
Click on the couples counselor name below to see their full bio.
Anchal Khanna LCMFT
Gabriel Chernoff LCSW-C
Marissa Keilson LCSW-C
Kathleen Landers LCSW-C
Sequence is now offering couples therapy virtually or in person in an intensive format in addition to the traditional weekly therapy. The intensive format is currently offered in four-hour session blocks ( with breaks and turn taking) and can give couples additional time to work through some gridlocked issues and have reparative conversations. Intensive couples therapy sessions are a great option for premarital preparation, couples who have limited flexibility in their schedules and those needing immediate support. Intensives may be scheduled on weekdays or weekends, and may occur in 1 or 2 sessions within a specified time frame, or serve as a precursor to ongoing weekly or bimonthly sessions. Sessions are billed at the standard hourly rate with a additional assessment prescreening, evaluation and booking rate. See the Fees section of our about page for current rates.
A unique service of Sequence, couples in high-conflict in which each partner would benefit from concurrent individual work may be assigned a "TRIAGE TEAM" composed of a couples therapist and two individual therapists. Their work will overlap to support the couple to speed the healing and repair work that has led them to a crisis point. Working from a shared theoretical framework and with a collaborative practice model in place, this team will provide each other with clinical case support and guidance, while maintaining individual confidentiality for the partners' individual work. This approach increases the consistency of the messages and goals between the individual and couples therapy. Creating this safe and comprehensive support for a couple in crisis amplifies the therapeutic benefits of the work. Each service is insurance reimbursable is no additional charge for this team system approach.
In some instances, one or both members of a couple are strongly considering divorce, and are not interested in meeting as a couple unless this option can be honestly discussed. Sequence couples counselors are able to schedule these "discussion" sessions and can review basic information about divorce from a legal and emotional standpoint, as well as help the couple review what has transpired to improve relationship satisfaction and what efforts might still be considered should both parties agree on a plan.
Offered 3 times per year, our in-person couples workshop, the nationally regarded "7 Principles for Making Marriage Work" is based on the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy. Our certified facilitators present this one day event in our Silver Spring office in the fall, winter and spring. Check for our next offering here: Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
Kathleen Landers LCSW-C
Gabriel Chernoff LCSW-C
LESSONS IN LOVE-Seven Principles for Singles
New in 2024-The concepts for creating connected and healthy relationships, based on the Gottman Institutes Research with thousands of individuals and couples, is now available for singles. How do you connect to others? What skills help to build a strong relationship?
Used by the Sequence facilitators in group workshops and individual sessions, we teach everyone interested in knowing how to build a relationship. From young adults hoping to find a long term partner, to relationship experienced older adults. Individuals who have yet to start a relationship, people exploring the world of dating, or individuals hoping to reconnect after a divorce or loss. Learning how to grow healthy and strong relationships is the foundation for connection and belonging. Check out our next offering here: LESSONS IN LOVE: The Gottman Method Seven Principles for Singles
Kathleen Landers LCSW-C
Gabriel Chernoff LCSW-C
Kat McGrady EdD, LCPC
BRINGING BABY HOME-A Gottman Institute Program
New babies bring such joy and pride to a family, it can be hard to admit or acknowledge the tremendous shifts to the couples relationship that occur once the resources of time and money shift to the care of a newborn and infant. The Bringing Baby Home is a program offered by certified therapists to help couple prepare for and adjust to these changes in ways that strengthen and support the bonds of the relationship, creating a strong and resilient couple and nourishing the health and wellness of of each new bundle of joy, ensuring the family grows as system where everyone is supported and cared for. Set the right foundation.
Offered as package for new or expecting parents, with 4-6 couples therapy sessions by our Gottman Certified therapists
Kathleen Landers LCSW-C
Anchal Khanna LCMFT
Gabriel Chernoff LCSW-C
Working with our life coach, with or without consecutive couples therapy, couples may take a "personality assessment" to determine their unique characteristics and open up the conversations about differences and similarities and how to build each others strengths and support those differences with kindness and appreciation.
Assessment options are the Meyers Biggs Type Indicator, or the Enneagram. Knowledge about ourselves and each other can create space for true understanding and teamwork as opposed to confusion and frustration about why the one you love doesn't do it "your way". The interpretation is offered in a coaching context rather than as couples therapy.
Couples in distress benefit tremendously from complex and nuanced therapy with a skilled therapist who specializes in couples therapy. The Gottman Institute offers an online assessment used by Sequence therapists in cases of conflict and emotional distress. Each member of the couple privately completes the hour-long assessment online, the results are correlated and confidentially sent to the therapist in the form of a detailed document used by the therapist that outlines areas is taken as well as concerns and develops treatment plan recommendations for the most effective couples therapy possible.
Assessment Rates: $75.00 Covers the cost of the online assessment, the review of the material by your couples therapists. Your therapist will review the results and develop a plan of action in a session during the initial assessment phase of treatment.
Issues addressed in couples therapy may include:
- Premarital Counseling
- Challenges of New Parents
- Communication Issues
- Infidelity, Recovery from Affairs
- Intimacy Concerns
- Financial Concerns
- LGBTQ Couples
- Couples of Different Cultural Backgrounds
- Interfaith Couples
- Parenting Challenges
- Considering Divorce
- Co-Parenting After Divorce

Sessions and Rates
Couples services qualify for family therapy (CPT Code 90847) out-of-network reimbursement benefits through your private insurance coverage. Rates are 250.00 per session 55-60 minute session, and fees are prorated for 75 or 90 minute sessions as needed. Sessions may be weekly or bi-weekly and in some cases monthly check-ins may be offered.
Specific programs such as 'Prepare-Enrich' assessment program and 'Couples Therapy 4 Hour Intensive' may have slightly different rates charged by the hour or in full at the time of service. Please inquire with your provider.