Often an organization needs to say goodbye to an employee. This can be a difficult time, yet the graciousness with which this is handled reflects well on the caliber of the organization and supports overall morale. Well managed endings can make all the difference in creating a respectful transition process for everyone involved.
Perhaps the position is no longer a good fit for an individual's skills or temperament, the organization is downsizing or moving in another direction...regardless of the reason Sequence can help the transition be a smooth and thoughtful one.
Our skilled team of workplace support professionals (Executive Coaches, Career Coaches, Professional Writing Staff) can offer the following:
- Leadership Coaching for Difficult Conversations ( practice through role play the transition/termination conversation, mediation techniques to reduce conflict, and debriefing after complex transition situations).
- Individual Coaching for Transitioning Employee (debriefing, transition planning, goal setting)
- Skills Assessments, Values Profiles
- Resume or CV Updating, LinkedIn Profile Review and Revamp, Other Professional Writing Services
- Networking Support, Job Search Strategic Planning
- Interview and Negotiation Coaching
- Job Search Weekly Support Group-Virtual Connection
“Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
All outplacement services are priced based upon the individual package developed per organizational needs. Recurring projects and services for multiple individuals will results in adjusted rates. Please contact 240-200-5401 ext 2 to request a quote or email info@sequenceservices.com